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Attorneys At Law

Attorneys practicing in and around the Chicagoland area. Experienced in the practice areas of Real Estate Law, Mortgage Foreclosure Defense Litigation, Business Law, & Estate Law.

Attorneys At Law - Attorneys practicing in and around the Chicagoland area. Experienced in the practice areas of Real Estate Law, Mortgage Foreclosure Defense Litigation, Business Law, & Estate Law.

Real Estate Tax Exemptions in DuPage County

In this post, we will list the real estate tax exemptions available to qualified homeowners in DuPage County, Illinois.

Paying your ever-increasing property taxes is a reality of home ownership whether you are in DuPage, Kane or Cook County.

However, some homeowners in DuPage County may be eligible for real estate tax exemptions for a portion of their home value, which can amount to significant savings, especially for people on fixed incomes.

With the cost of property taxes in DuPage County being some of the highest in the state, it is important that you take advantage of every exemption that you qualify for.

This information has been collected for your convenience and is also available at the DuPage County Treasurer Website.


List of DuPage County Property Tax Exemptions

  • Disabled Persons’ Homestead Exemption
  • Disabled Veterans’ Standard Homestead Exemption
  • Homestead Exemption for Veterans with Disabilities
  • Homestead Improvement Exemption
  • Residential Exemption
  • Returning Veterans’ Homestead Exemption
  • Senior Citizens Assessment Freeze
  • Senior Citizens Homestead Exemption


Disabled Persons’ Homestead Exemption

The Disabled Persons’ Homestead Exemption provides qualifying homeowners an annual $2,000 reduction in the assessed value of the property owned and occupied on January 1 of the assessment year by the disabled person who is liable for the payment of the property taxes.

You can contact your Township Assessor for more information.

To qualify:

  • You must be disabled or become disabled during the assessment year
  • The applicant must own or have a legal or equitable interest in the property, or a leasehold interest of a single-family residence. The applicant must occupy the property as your principal residence on January 1 of the assessment year and is liable for the payment of the property taxes.

You will need to file a completed PTAX-343 application form with additional documentation (Proof of Ownership) demonstrating eligibility.

Additional information and detailed requirements at DuPage County Treasurer website


Disabled Veterans’ Standard Homestead Exemption

Veteran Homeowner ExemptionProvides qualified veterans an annual reduction in the assessed value of the primary residence occupied by a disabled veteran each year depending on the percentage of the veteran’s service-connected disability.

Typical annual tax savings range from $140 to $280 for $2,500 to $5,000 reduction of assessed value.

Contact the DuPage County Supervisor of Assessments Office at 630-407-5858 for more information.

To qualify:

  • Applicant must be an Illinois resident who is a veteran with at least a 30% service-related disability as certified by U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs.
  • The home must be owner-occupied by the disabled veteran or the surviving unmarried spouse of the disabled veteran as of January 1st of eligibility year, and the property value must not be more than $750,000.
  • You will not be eligible if you are claiming exemption under the Disabled Persons Homestead Exemption or the Disabled Veterans Homestead Exemption

You will need to complete and file a PTAX-342 application form along with the required documentation with the Supervisor of Assessments.

Additional information and detailed requirements at DuPage County Supervisor of Assessments website


Homestead Exemption for Veterans with Disabilities

The property must be owned and used exclusively by a 70% or more disabled veteran. Provides for an exemption for property taxes.

Contact the Supervisor of Assessments Office.


Homestead Improvement Exemption

DuPage County real estate tax deferralThe Homestead Improvement Exemption provides an exemption of up to $25,000 of assessment increase due to home improvement. This exemption can continue for four years.

Contact your Township Assessor’s office for more information.

To qualify:

  • If an existing primary residence which is used exclusively for residential purposes experiences an assessment increase resulting from a physical change made to the property, such a new addition or improvement, the amount of assessed value directly related to this change may be deducted from the total taxable assessed value of the property, for a period of four years.
  • The maximum deduction is $25,000 of assessed value.

Additional information and detailed requirements at DuPage County Supervisor of Assessments website


Residential Exemption

This General Homestead Exemption reduces the net taxable assessed value by a maximum of $6,000

To qualify:

  • Own and occupy the property as a principal residence.
  • Alternately, occupy the property as a principal residence and you have an equitable legal estate and are responsible for the payment of the real estate taxes.
  • In most cases, the Township Assessor will automatically grant the exemption on behalf of the taxpayer without requiring a formal application.  If you have any questions about your exemption status, please contact your Township Assessor.

Additional information and detailed requirements at DuPage County Supervisor of Assessments website


Returning Veterans’ Homestead Exemption

Real Estate Home Buying MythsThe Returning Veterans’ Homestead Exemption provides for a one-time $5,000 reduction in the assessed value of the veteran’s principal residence for two consecutive tax years when the veteran returns from active duty in an armed conflict involving the armed forces of the United States.

Contact the DuPage County Supervisor of Assessments Office at 630-407-5858 for more information.

To qualify:

  • Must be an Illinois resident who has served as a member of the U.S. Armed Forces, Illinois National Guard, or U.S. Reserve Forces and returned from active duty in an armed conflict involving the armed forces of the U.S;
  • Must own or lease and occupy the property as a primary residence and be liable for paying the property taxes.
  • File a completed PTAX-341 application form with additional documentation demonstrating eligibility (Proof of Ownership form).

Additional information and detailed requirements at DuPage County Supervisor of Assessments website


Senior Citizens Assessment Freeze

The Assessment Freeze Homestead Exemption provides seniors with limited income protection against real estate tax increases due to rising property values. It is not a tax freeze or a tax reduction and does not protect against increased taxes due to tax rate increases.

For applications or questions concerning the exemption, please call the DuPage County Supervisor of Assessments Office at 630-407-5858 for more information.

To qualify:

  • You must establish age, ownership, and residency, by applying for the Senior Homestead Exemption (which requires you to be age 65 by December 31st of the assessment year for which the application is made).
  • Have a total household income (before deductions) of $55,000 or less for the calendar year prior the application year.
  • Effective for the 2018 pay 2019 tax year, the maximum allowable household income is $65,000.
  • Own and occupy the property on or before January 1st of the application year and prior base year.
  • Be liable for payment of real estate taxes on the property.
  • Eligible senior taxpayers must complete a signed and notarized application/affidavit.

Additional information and detailed requirements at DuPage County Supervisor of Assessments website


Senior Citizens Homestead Exemption

Property tax bills Kane & DuPage CountyThe Senior Citizens Homestead Exemption lowers the taxable value of the property by $5,000.

To qualify:

  • You must be age 65 by December 31st of the assessment year for which the application is made.
  • Complete an application (PDF) and supply proof of age and property ownership.
  • Own and occupy the property.
  • Be liable for the payment of real estate taxes on the property.

Additional information and detailed requirements at DuPage County Supervisor of Assessments website


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The Law Offices of Lora Fausett P.C. provides real estate law services including buying and sellingshort salesmortgage foreclosure defense and more.

For Information Call 630-858-0090